More from the Book of Wilding.  So, I’m a bit further along in the Book of Wilding and thinking about how it applies to Winderlea and Worden Hill Vineyards.  Keeping in mind I’m only about a third of the way through this tome, at this point I am thinking about how to best deploy animals on the vineyards.   Our girls would be very unhappy to learn that the authors are not very big fans of sheep, though in their defense, they say it is because sheep are not very well suited to their landscape.  They find that the tiny hooves of sheep cause soil compaction in their heavy clay soils and that their grazing is too intense.  They believe cows, deer, and a limited number of pigs do a better job for them.  Because they are focused on wilding their property (though they have started doing some farming again) they use very low levels of animals per hectare.  One idea they do employ is called, “Mob grazing,” moving animals on to a property to graze and then moving them off for several months or longer to allow the plant life to recover.  We have been doing a version of mob grazing this year, though it wasn’t intentional on my part.  The sheep were just needed elsewhere.  I’m looking forward to learning more about mob grazing, and to sharing it with you when I do.  More later.