Transitions – Looking Forward
We are often asked when is our busiest time of year. The assumption is usually that it is harvest and that is certainly a very busy time for us. Harvest, though, has the benefit of being a clear priority and everything else falls by the wayside. From a hospitality perspective, Summer is very busy for us in the tasting room and we are also very busy around club releases. Wholesale has its own rhythms throughout the year though the big season is OND – October, November, and December. Everybody in the trade is really busy during those months and are understandably less enthusiastic about seeing us. But it is also when they sell the most wine so we need to be sure they are stocked. Usually by November, we have pressed off the last tanks and wine is in the cellar. Things slow down in the winery then, but the Gala season begins and we spend a lot of time fundraising for the organizations we support. For Donna and me, mid-December to mid-January is a quiet time when we can get away to spend time with family. And that is a transition we look forward to. More later…