The Sheep are Back!
Not so many days ago a buzz went through Winderlea. “The sheep are back, the sheep are back.” Granted a lot of the buzz came from Staci, Winderlea Ambassador, who is an animal biologist and loves critters of all types. I half expect to see her playing with them each morning in the vineyard behind our house. The truth is that we’re all excited to see them. We know it means they have completed their first pass at Worden Hill Vineyard and all that goodness has already been passed on to our soils. And we know the same will be true at Winderlea as they make their way around the grounds. It’s also just great to see them because they represent another part of the cycle of life; theirs, ours, and of the vines. We’re at the beginning of a new cycle of growth and all the optimism that comes with it. We’re looking forward to another season with our Winderlea family (and that includes you), new lambs, and a new vintage. There’s a lot to look forward to and we’re excited to begin. More later…