With Mother’s Day coming this Sunday it is natural that our attention should turn to our mothers and other important women in our lives. Donna and I both lost our mothers in the past years and I know I speak for both of us when I say we think of them almost daily. They were both strong resilient women who loomed large in our lives and we can draw a direct line from who we are today to how they raised us. I remember my mother sitting at our kitchen table with a crisp stack of dollar bills collected from her friends making “dollar trees,” for co-workers who were getting married or having children. She was also both insecure because of her lack of education and willing to fight for what she thought was right. With her 11th grade education she organized to bring a union into her factory and ultimately was elected chief steward and sat on the regional council. She fought hard for the people, mostly women, who worked with her. Today we would say she was badass and she was. No doubt you have stories and memories about your own mother that immediately bring you close to her even if she is no longer with you or lives far away. Let’s all raise a glass to our  mothers. Happy Mother’s Day to you and your mothers, and especially to you Mom.   More later…