Science Fridays
As many of you know, in 2020 we started managing an amazing vineyard a couple of miles down the road from us owned by Christine and David Vernier. Christine and David are truly wonderful people and I could spend the remainder of the year extolling their virtues in these blurbs. Tuesday night they generously invited us to come to an event they were hosting for Ira Flatow the host of the long running Science Friday. Science Friday, in addition to their weekly show, has podcasts, educational programs, and lots of resources that are of value for all of us. One of the stories Ira recounted was from one of their first shows where they had a scientist talking about the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. Another scientist, from a different discipline, called in and the two of them argued for most of the show. A listener wrote to Ira afterwards excitedly telling him how much she enjoyed the show BECAUSE SHE NEVER KNEW THAT SCIENTISTS ARGUED. As a History major who now works in an industry with a lot of scientists I can tell you that not only do they argue, they expect to be challenged (it’s part of the process), and the are very open to it. That’s why when the scientific community reaches consensus it’s important. Science is important. Even though my brain is not wired to do science, I love knowing about it, understanding it, and recognizing the implications of scientific study. I’m going to be spending a lot more time on the Science Friday website and I hope you will too. More later…