¡Salud! and Winderlea
Long time followers know that Donna and I first learned about ¡Salud! during our early trips to Oregon in 2005 to look for a vineyard. We were so impressed that the founders of the Oregon Wine Industry, led by Nancy and Dick Ponzi, found a way to provide healthcare services to Oregon’s vineyard stewards and their families while they were here in the valley. Many vineyard stewards aren’t in one place or with one employer long enough to qualify for healthcare. ¡Salud! through its auction and other fundraising activities raises over a million dollars each year which is multiplied many times over with pro bono services donated by the medical community. If you’d like to contribute to this cause and add some beautiful wine to your cellar at the same time, your first opportunity will be the ¡Salud! Summertime E-Auction which is July 11-13. You can bid online here. Donna and I have many cases of wine we’ve purchased at ¡Salud! in our cellar and it’s always a special treat to open one. We hope you’ll join us. More later…