Resetting and Recentering
As I write this I am sitting at a desk in Vermont looking out at a dusting of snow (the only snow since we’ve arrived) and rare for this trip, blue skies. Nonetheless, it has been great to spend time with family and to reconnect with friends. I also appreciate that this time of year because it feels like a reset. Now, I’ve been carrying around the same three resolutions for over 40 years now (play guitar, study French, and get fit) so it’s not about those, but somehow, to me, this time of year feels like we get to put down whatever weight we carried with us to the end of the year, and start again. I think we know that weight is still there, but putting it down lets us think about the future without bending under it. Whatever weight you may be carrying, I hope you are able to put it down for at least a bit and that your field of vision is filled with more blue skies than grey. Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing what 2024 has in store for us. More later…