Memorial Day
Monday, May 29th is Memorial Day. Originally known as Decoration Day, it is the day we honor those who have given their lives in military service. Decreed by General John A Logan in 1868, the original May 30th date was believed to have been chosen because no Civil War battle fell on the date. Logan wanted a day to commemorate fallen soldiers and to decorate their graves and cemeteries. I cannot think of a person I knew who died in battle, but many in my family served and each year we marked this day with the somber reverence it deserves. The traditions of this holiday have evolved over time. One that I particularly like is the emergence of the red poppy as the symbol of Memorial Day. Here is a short article if you don’t know the story. However you observe this day, one tradition I hope you will follow is to join the National Moment of Remembrance at 3:00 pm local time. More later…