Magical Thinking
I am writing this from Vermont, not because Donna and I had planned to be here, but because after three years we tested positive for Covid. I was sure we were super-resistors because we’d managed to avoid the virus for so long but it seems believing something does not make it so. It’s a good lesson for us that reviewing our assumptions regularly helps to make sure that we believe to be true actually is. For example, we farm Biodynamic and that causes us to employ certain farming practices. From observation, I believe that our vineyard has improved from this practice, but we still also test the soil, and vines, capture data on yields, and disease, as well as use our sensory abilities to determine if the wine we are making benefits from these practices. The same is true with our bringing sheep on to the vineyard. They’re as adorable as heck, but we also want to be sure that they are a benefit and not causing harm to the vineyard in some unintended way. So, for me, the next step is to try to figure out what other magical thinking I might be employing, and give them a revisit. More later…