It’s beginning to feel a lot like Oregon.  Last Wednesday (September 28th) when I wrote this, we woke up to a slow steady rain.  Until now it has been dry and fairly warm.  This late in the year that feels a bit unseasonal.  But rain, that’s something Oregon wineries know about.  I actually put on a Barbour jacket to take our Labradoodle Monty out for his morning constitutional.  I started out without it and was quickly turned around by the cold rain on my neck.  The rain has put a little space between us and harvest in a good way.  Sugars, which convert to alcohol, were a little ahead of flavors.  Grapes are still tasting a bit green.  This little bit of rain, about 4 tenths of an inch when I started writing, will buy us a little time for flavor development.  After that, we’ll be in full on harvest mode for about a month.  You’ll be hearing about that in the weeks to come.  More later… Update, we’re right in the thick of it now.  Drinking from a fire hose, hair on fire, insert your own metaphor here…