Is Spring Going to Spring?
Is it really Spring?
Well, one of the effects of the grey and rainy is that as of today, April 25th as I write this, we don’t yet have bud break. On average bud break occurs around April 15th and based on that we usually expect harvest to begin around mid-September. So, given we’re already 10 days beyond average – hello harvest in October. For those of you Romantics out there, the harvest moon will be September 29th. Today, and until at least Saturday, the forecast is for sun so there is a chance we’ll see bud break before the end of the month. We’ve had decent Winter rainfall so this sunshine should really kick off growth in our cover crops. Before too long our vineyard will be awash in yellow mustard along with dozens of other flowering plants. As soon as the ground dries and the Biodynamic®️ calendar is in alignment we’ll spray cow horn manure. Spring sprays with flowering cover crop and music in my earbuds are among my favorite things to do. And I can’t wait. More later…