Getting Your Inner Geek On!
If you are reading this you may be a wine geek. Are you also a weather geek? Have you heard all the talk about terroir and wondered just what the fuss is? Did you know that a lot of vineyards have weather stations so you can see what the weather is at that micro-site? If the last few sentences got you even a little excited then you, like me, may need professional help. Or, you can just satisfy your curiosity by checking out a few weather stations. Many of us use Davis WeatherLink Stations and you can see current information by setting up an account at Search for Winderlea or any of your other favorite vineyards and a map will come up with a green and black dot if there is a station along with a black box with some info. Click the word “bulletin,” and it will open a page with a lot more information. Hint, if you zoom out on the map the other green and black circles you see are other weather stations. Compare them and you’ll see that there are real differences. Right now, for example, Winderlea is 2 degrees F warmer than Vernier Vineyard (what we call Worden Hill under 2 miles away from Winderlea). Imagine the difference that makes over a 180 day growing season. Have fun and if you see something interesting, let us know. More later…