2023 Harvest Goes on Hold at Winderlea
Now is the big wait. After 15 harvest dates in 22 days we have now entered in to the period of the big wait. We had glorious weather for most of the month making this one of the easier harvests we’ve ever had but in true Oregon tradition the Fall rains have arrived and our last few tons of Chardonnay, Pinot blanc, and Pinot noir at Worden Hill and Meredith Mitchell Vineyards will wait until dry weather returns. At the moment, it looks like we will have sunshine this weekend followed by cloudy but dry weather for the next 5 days or so. We’ll most likely wait until the first of next week. Fortunately, all the fruit looks healthy and should hang just a bit longer with no problems. In the meantime, we are taking the opportunity to catch up on some other work and getting together with family and friends. Such is harvest. More later.