1971 was an important year for many reasons. For me, it was the year I entered the 9th grade; the final year of junior high school as we called it in Lynn, Massachusetts. It was also the year the voting age was lowered to 18, the year The NY Times began to publish the Pentagon Papers, Disney World opened in Orlando, Florida, Education Secretary Margaret Thatcher ended free school milk for children over seven in the UK, and an event that would play an important role Donna’s and my lives, Sally and John Bauers purchased the property they would soon plant with wine grapes and call The Dundee Hills Vineyards. A lot has happened since then and an industry has been created that Sally and John may never have imagined but the Dundee Hills Vineyards continues to grow grapes for wine. The label we know as Winderlea will soon harvest fruit for its 19th vintage; something I never would have imagined in my bell bottoms and shoulder length hair during the school year of 1971 but as I sit here looking over the vineyard, I am very grateful Sally and John set off the events that made it possible.  More later…