“If you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute,” or something like it has been attributed to both Mark Twain and Will Rogers (somehow, I thought it was Ben Franklin), but it turns out the source of the saying is unknown.  And, that’s probably why so many regions claim it as their own. Donna and I have lived in more than a few places and in each one of them that quote has been shared with us as if it were homegrown. I will claim on behalf of those of us who live in the Willamette Valley, that it is true here as well. The weather app on our phones seems a kindly suggestion and we all know that, as a result, it’s best to wear layers. This time of year especially, as we transition from Spring to Summer and our vineyard work picks up momentum, we watch the skies even more than our phones to ascertain the weather, at least for the next few hours. We are fortunate to have a hillside view of the valley and can watch the weather come in. As I am out spraying our Biodynamic® preps, I find myself looking over my shoulder to the valley below. Will the weather hold? Sometimes a few hours is all we need. More later…