Winderlea Has Goats
Livestock update – We have goats!! For the past several days I have been working from the house at Worden Hill Vineyard. I have been greeted by a very wooly and wet dog named Max. Now Max wasn’t supposed to be roaming the property. His job is to keep watch over the goats but Max being the smart dog he is figured that if there is a house there may also be people and if there are people he might charm them in to getting him out of the rain. He was right, of course, and I put him in the garage (probably not his first choice) while we waited for his owner to arrive. Seems Max has learned to jump the electric fence that keeps the goats in their pasture. The goats are also quite charming and their job at the moment includes clearing the blackberries from the pasture. They’re doing an admirable job and we’re very happy that they are now part of the Winderlea working menagerie. You’ve seen how we’ve exploited the sheep the past couple of years so you should have no doubt that this is not the last you’ve heard about goats. More later…